No Dog Left Behind

About No Dog Left Behind Rescue

NDLB is a 501c3 Tax Exempt rescue organization.  We are 100% volunteer-based and rely heavily on donations to support our organization. The amazing support from our community, fosters, veterinarians, and friends gives us the ability to save dogs who otherwise wouldn’t make it. We are comprised of three unpaid board members (while looking to expand!) and many volunteers who dedicate countless hours to save the lives of our rescued dogs!

We at NDLB take pride in our rescue organization and the amazing group of volunteers we have working with us!  If you’re interested in volunteering, check out our VOLUNTEER page for more information and to fill out an application!

No Dog Left Behind Mission

Our Mission is to find dogs their forever family; to speak for the abused, neglected, and abandoned; to educate adopters, reduce the number of homeless, and provide proper vet care; and to save those that need saving.

How You Can Help

If you want to help NDLB there are many ways you can contribute!  If you’re looking to donate, check out our DONATIONS page!  If you can’t afford to donate, no problem!  We are always looking to expand our foster base!  Check out our FOSTER page to find out more about having a direct affect on the dogs at NDLB!  If you’re unable to foster, but still want to get some puppy loving in, consider volunteering at our adoption days!  Simply fill out a volunteer application!  We’re always accepting people who want to help fundraise, grant write, transport, home visit, and train.  If you’re unsure how you can help, but want to get more involved, shoot us an email at!  We’ll be able to find something that perfectly suits you!